7 ways to SEO for Facebook Fanpage to be on Top 1 Google Search

As all you know, the effect of doing SEO can not be denied in online business. Beside doing SEO for website , you should combine with doing SEO for Facebook Fanpage in order to increase the promotion of service and product.
The most online sales channel widely used today is Facebook. Creating a Facebook with a lot more page likes will make your products be believed that they have very high quality. Moreover, being displayed on Top of Google is a way to rate that it is good and looked for by many people so that it will reach out to more users. In order to do that, you need to do SEO for Facebook Fanpage.
Doing SEO for Facebook Fanpage is same as doing SEO for a website but the number of keyword when doing SEO for Facebook is limited to very few. However, you still should do SEO for Facebook Fanpage because this is the young customer approaching channel that have the most product and service demand.
Here are full steps to do SEO Facebook Fanpage:
1. Choose the best name for the Fanpage
This is the most basic but very important step when implementing brand optimizing on Facebook. You should update, share useful articles with friends. The goal of Facebook is the business presence, so instead of choosing a general name, you should choose a good Facebook Fanpage name, relating to a product name, business services to be able to approach your potential customers .
2. Create a Fanpage which contains virtual URL
After a Fanpage obtaining 25 likes, Fanpage owner can attach a unique URL on the page. Because search engine pays more attention to the URL, the URL should contain the keywords which reflect one particular aspect of the product or business’s service. If you choose a name that previously existed, you should choose a more appropriate name and ensure the key messages must be placed in the name of the URL. So let’s examine some other Fanpage names on Facebook before choosing a name for your Fanpage.
3. Use keywords in the Fanpage
As for traditional websites, keyword optimization is the most basic form in the process of doing SEO on page. You need to especially pay attention to the elements on the page because they will be placed on the Fanpage and be considered as the important factors in SEO.
Here is one example about the indexing page method of search engines.
- SEO title = Fanpage’s name
- Meta Description = Fanpage’s name + other elements on the page
- H1 = Fanpage’s name
In order to optimize Website for local searches, you need to attach address, city, area code, …As for relating product’ searches, you need to concretize product’s name, service’s name and name of the field that business is operating.
4. Number phone and address
Some businesses do not allow displaying personal information on their Fanpage, so those businesses will not get online visits, meant that there is no increase in revenue.
Besides, Google also appreciates for pages containing the specific information of the business such as: number phone and address. Filling out full information will not only help you to have online visits but also increase the users’ confidence for your products.
5. Place backlink for Fanpage on existing pages
The more links pointing to the page, the higher Google’s page appreciation is. Of course, the ranking also increased significantly. That is why bloggers placing linking content to other websites and blogs. This principle can also be applied similarly to the Fanpage.
6. Update status regularly
Updating status regularly does not mean that you update Fanpage without thinking.
For example: After some minutes or some seconds there will be a status reappearing on your Fanpage. This will make those who liked your Fapage feel that they are being spammed. In additions, in such a short time, you can not devise a high quality content. Insteads, those statuses are meaningless. You would better update about 5 to 10 statuses per day in the time which people access to Facebook the most, such as: the early morning when people beginning their works, mid-morning, the noon (or the early afternoon), the late afternoon and the evening.
Everytime you update information, you need to optimize that content. The first 18 characters of the post play the role of both cards which are title and meta description, so you should write as good as you can and then, remember to insert keywords.
In a nutshell, the goal of doing SEO on Facebook is to increase the value of brand. The important thing is having a good coordination to attract natural visits and indirect visits from other channel to improve ranking on returning result pages from search engines.