Landing Page Design Tips that Every Website will find Useful

Landing page gives websites a chance to interact directly with the user for grabbing valuable information that can be converted to business leads and further into the tangible business volume. So landing page works more like the typical sales counter in a store. You can not be relaxed and become complacent when it comes to landing page design. Let us introduce here by some of the most time-tested landing page design teams that any website will find useful.
1. A clean landing page
Clean layout in a landing page is the golden rule for driving traction and ensuring user engagement. A landing page with too much Visual clutter and no clear direction fails to engage people instantly and make them motivated to continue to the end. All your elements on the page should come sequentially by reinforcing the message from one to the other.
2. Mobile friendly landing page form
Most people browse the web these days over the handheld device. When it comes to mobile browsing, people dislike typing too much or filling up forms that need too much effort. This is why landing page should be designed short, crisp and with fewer form fields when it needs to be deployed for mobile. Moreover, mobile landing pages should be more visually optimized than their desktop counterparts.
3. Make use of color contrast effectively
Every color is able to set a mood. This is why in web design, the choice of color entirely depends on the mood of the website and the kind of audience it addresses. Obviously, a food website will be different from a technology website in color scheme. It is needless to say that the same goes for landing page design as well. Utilizing the right color is one thing and the other important thing is creating the right contrast of colors in landing page design. While the color will set the mood, the contrast will help to grab the attention of the audience.
4. Fewer but high-quality images
These days, web design tends to be more visual in nature. This is principal because people do not like to read a lot of text on the handheld devices and secondly because modern visual techniques and design elements can allow more ease and fluidity in design. Visual design allows faster browsing and quicker interaction. This is no different for landing page design as well. But when using images you need to be very specific and only use fewer but high-quality images that clearly carry the brand message.
5. Make it feel credible and secure
Your landing page must provide a sense of security and credibility to your users. If you are asking for sharing personal information and contact details for the users, your landing page must instill a sense of security and assurance in them. The best way to do this is to use user testimonials, ratings and your industry credentials within the landing page. By using all these elements you make your users trust your business and motivate them to fill up the forms.
6. Address short attention span
The attention span off with audience is increasingly decreasing just because most browsers use the web over handheld devices and also because the users are now pretty frequented with the common tricks and practices over the web. So before you know it, they can actually feel bored and go away from your website without leaving a clue for you.
This phenomenon is more common in the case of landing page design. So to make sure that your audience remains glued to the very end of your landing page, you need to make it purposeful short, crisp and through and through engaging. Make your message clear as quick as possible but continue to make them engaged with attention grabbing contents like video, helpful information and insights and short form fields that do not require much effort to fill them up.
7. Give priority to CTA and business conversion
The principal objective of your landing page is to convert your traffic into business leads and thereafter into a tangible business volume. However, just by showing your page and making your audience read and watch it until the end, you do not get any business lead. In the end, users must take some actions. To make your users take actions on the landing page, you need to provide them effective CTA links and buttons. To ensure better interaction and engagement you need to provide bigger and more attention-grabbing CTA buttons. Most importantly, the CTA buttons should be designed bigger enough for easy finger taps as in most cases they will be clicked on mobile devices.
8. Crisp, short and highly effective landing page copy
Let us now tell few important things about landing page copywriting. People these days do not read enough on their handheld devices while browsing the web. This is why you need to make sure that the landing page copy is more scannable for lower attention span. At a glance, reading is the common behavior of most web browsers these days. Naturally, you need to make your copy short, crisp and come to the point with the use of bullet points, short paragraphs, and larger fonts to make reading a fun.
Secondly, in your landing page copy, instead of trying to sell your product or trying to make the promotion of your business, try to offer some valuable insights and information that can help the users. The landing page copy should try to engage your audience with your brand message but should stay clear of making promotions.
To conclude,
We must say that keeping the interest alive till to the end is the objective of landing page design. Grabbing the attention of your audience is just the beginning. As soon as the users land, it should instantly grab attention and make the value of the page clear. When the user stabilizes on the page, it is compelling and interesting content that should keep them engaged eventually turning into actions like clicking on the CTA button or filling up the form. It is to this end, your landing page design should be effective.