10 Resources To Learn WordPress Development

Currently, there are tools that can assist average WordPress developers to build a complex website. And there are also plugins for extending the functionality of your site tremendously without writing a single line of code. Many are of the opinion that if these page builders and tools can assist in WordPress development, then there is no need to learn to code.
Although these tools exist and work remarkably well, no one can confidently describe himself as a top WordPress developer without proficiency in the art of coding. The turnoff for most people regarding coding is the perception that it is complicated and takes a lot of time. But the basic fact of life is that nothing good comes easy. Coding may sometimes be a tough nut to crack, but with patience and dedication, just about anyone can learn the art.
There are however resources that can aid the learning process.
Below is a compilation of ten of the most reliable resources for learning to code in WordPress development. Some of these resources are for beginners while others are for more advanced developers. But there is definitely something for everyone.
WordPress Codex
There is no better place to start than the ultimate WordPress Codex. WordPress Codex, founded by the creators of WordPress (Automattic), is the online manual for WordPress. It is a repository of information and documentation relating to WordPress. It contains information on virtually everything that any new or advanced WordPress user may need, from as simple as creating a post or page and how to use plugin and themes to issues as complex as debugging a network or creating a plugin.
The codex was intended to be an encyclopedia of some sort of WordPress knowledge. Working as a kind of Wikipedia, people are allowed to contribute to it as well as edit it, and this has helped the repository to grow tremendously.
The only challenge users may have with Codex is a large amount of text available on it. Aside from that, it is almost just perfect.
Udemy is a library of over 55,000 online courses that explore a wide variety of topics, the majority of which circles around web development, WordPress development, and design. Some of the courses are available at very low prices, and this may explain why they don’t receive favorable reviews from students. Some courses are deemed useless. Udemy is a good place for WordPress beginners but advanced developers may not be so pleased.
This is one of the most popular and effective resources for learning WordPress development. It has courses aimed for designers and coders. TreeHouse has a rich library of courses that cover topics from HTML to Virtual reality. TreeHouse has courses that teach CSS, PHP, Javascript, and databases. Their courses are in chapters, allowing students the option of studying just a section or the entire course. They are divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced. Some courses available include SEO for WordPress, Customizing WordPress Admin area, WooCommerce Theme Development, and How to build a WordPress theme.
Lynda, just like TreeHouse, is an online class for important courses. Lynda, however, is more diverse than TreeHouse as there are courses relating to business, photography, web development, WordPress development, design etc. There are over six thousand courses available on Lynda.
Some of its WordPress courses aim to teach students how to install WordPress, configure it for SEO, build an e-commerce website, develop a WordPress theme etc. Lynda has over 90 courses that relate to WordPress with over 2,000 video tutorials. A 30-day free trial is available on Lynda.
WPMU Dev Academy
WPMU Dev is an agency specialized in developing WordPress themes and plugins. WPMU Dev Academy is the online classroom for learning WordPress. The academy is completely free for WPMU members. WPMU Academy has classes for beginner, intermediate and expert developers. Students can learn WordPress development right from the very scratch.
Some of the courses available in the academy include; WordPress development for beginners handled by Daniel Pataki, WordPress development for intermediate users handled by Rachel McCollin, Advanced WordPress Development handled by Daniel Pataki. Others include Javascript for WordPress developers and WordPress Multisite Masterclass.
WPMU Dev Academy also offers a free 30-days trial.
Code Tutplus
This is unlike any resource mentioned above as it does not exactly teach how to code or develop plugin or theme. Tutplus is a news magazine for developers and designers. It has a section devoted to WordPress that shares the latest news and discusses issues relating to WordPress. Code Tutplus features How-to tutorials and has a few courses and e-books.
Code Academy
This is one of the most interactive resources on this list. Although there are no courses that directly teach WordPress, the platform allows you to learn HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP, which are very relevant in WordPress development. You will advance in the courses depending on the successful completion of small tasks attached to each lesson. The programming language such as jQuery, Python, MySQL can also be learned on Code Academy.
Free Code Camp
This is a free resource for learning to code. Although it is not targeted specifically for WordPress users, it teaches the basics of HTML and CSS in a highly comprehensible manner. Aside from Code Academy, Free Code Camp is one of the most effective resources for coding that is completely free. Just like Code Academy, you have to pass small task before you can proceed to the next. Also, the programming language such as jQuery, Python, MySQL can be learned. They are several examples available on Code Camp that allow these concepts to be better understood.
This is another online resource for web developer and designers. Created in 1999, Site Point specializes in sharing WordPress related articles, selling WordPress courses and premium books. Some of the books available on the site include Better WordPress development, Better PHP development, Modern Javascript etc.
This is a collection of over 200 WP-Snippet for enhancing a WordPress website. This isn’t a typical resource for learning WordPress or understanding how it works. You must have a fair knowledge of WordPress before you can effectively use this resource. Snippets are available for virtually anything you can think of, from displaying twitter follower count to enabling threaded comment. Users can click on each snippet to see how it works. These snippets can be modified and customized according to the need of the developer.
So, there you have it, ten astounding resources that can help you learn to code faster and easier and can assist you to be a top WordPress developer. As stated earlier, not all these resource are a fit for you. Some are more apt for beginners while others focus more on the advanced users. Have a go at them, the good part is that majority of them offer free trials. Whichever resonate well with you, stick to it.