5 UX Commandments that You Should Know for Design Success

Companies revolve around customers. Without customers, your company would not thrive or even exist, so it is indispensable to give them what they actually want to create a positive experience.

The concept of user experience design or UX design in the digital world means how a user feels about interacting a website, mobile app, software program or another system. UX designers need to understand how a user interacts with a website or app and focus on important aspects such as efficiency, usability and what users think about the value provided by that particular website or app.

Because of this UX design that creates a greater impact on the website, mobile app or any system, businesses these days are becoming more aware of the importance of the usability and functionality. UX design creates better results and has a strong ROI. If truth be told, a great UX design can lower cost of customer acquisition, improve conversion rates, increase market share, and much more.

Let’s have a look at basic UX design commandments that can make your next design project a huge success.

1. UX must be Integrated into Company’s Culture

While your web design team certainly has a crucial role when it comes to creating a seamless user experience. But it’s not something that only your design team has to worry about. Everyone else involved in the project – creation through closing sales leads, should be rigorously thinking about it.

Collaborating with the UX department can generate maximum benefits for everyone involved. Understanding the importance of UX design can help digital marketers and business owners better understand their target audience. Having a clear understanding of UX in different platforms can also help online marketers optimize their materials for each of the platform they use.

This strategy will make the life of web designer easier, as they will not need to make revisions and they can design products according to the consumers’ preferences and needs. It will lead to better, more personalized products, apps and websites as they are designed by keeping the customer-centric approach in mind.

When marketers collect data for their digital marketing campaigns, they can also share that useful insight with UX designers as well, especially if they think UX can play a major role in making their campaign a big hit. This can help both marketers and UX designers improve their quality of work.

In fact, the user experience is something that needs to be completely integrated into the whole organization and the process of how an organization operates.

2. Usability and Functionality Matter Most

Just because some new complex features launched recently, that does not necessarily mean you should incorporate them as well. Though it is tempting to incorporating new features into everything you create. However, if they are not functional enough, most people will not bother.

Let’s take an example of Google Glass here, the concept is undeniably fascinating but it was damn complicated for a majority of people, so it was not useful. Simplify the latest technology to make it user-friendly and intuitive and get the most out of it.

3. It is All About Personalization

Personalization is one of the most important aspects when it comes to user experience. It tailors the product, app or system according to each individual user or group of users. When a brand implements personalization, they seek to give users all the particular things they desire without the user having to put in any effort.

Personalization is the most important aspect for marketers as well. By designing customized marketing campaigns, marketers can help UX designers incorporate it more seamlessly into the end product. If this strategy was done well, it will make more seamless, enjoyable and productive user experience. It also makes users feel valued by the brand, which may make them make desired action (purchasing) or become a return customer.

4. Minimalism is Key

While fancy embellishments, features and navigations may seem exciting to the group of people who create them, but this too much beautification can be a turnoff for users. It has been observed that offering too many features leads to less conversion and sales, especially when it comes to websites, apps, and products.

So, consolidate as much as possible, try to make the navigation easier and simpler and avoid all the unnecessary options. Giving people fewer and simpler choices will actually make them more likely to convert. Online marketers and business owners are well-acquainted with this trick as it is one of the best landing page design practices. Do you know why Apple is famous for their minimalist design because they know less is more and they keep doing it.

5. Keep Users’ Preferences in Mind

It is the core UX principle because if you do not design with consumers in mind, you are not using UX design. And UX design matters most to users. A survey conducted by an Oregon design company states that 83% of people surveyed said that UX is very important to them.

Your app, website or product becomes useless if users are not able to use it, no matter how fancy the design is. It is important to keep in mind that you are creating something tailor-made for users throughout your entire process. Understanding this point will lead you to better results and maximum ROI. UX can greatly impact your business top and bottom lines.

Wrapping all things Up

Great UX design results in satisfied users, which leads to more conversions, more return users, and ultimately more sales, which is, in short, every business’ main goal. User experience is an essential part of making any website, app or a product a big hit in today’s world.

It is something that must be implemented into businesses of all types and sizes, because “the customer is always right” approach is now more than ever.