How to make a quality video on YouTube

In order to create a YouTube channel with a lot of viewers and a lot of subscribers, then the most basic and important thing is that you need to create high quality videos with interesting content. This article will guide you through the process of creating great YouTube videos.

1. Being yourself

Viewers can evaluate your character after 10 seconds they see your videos. Are you funny, enthusiastic, sweet or exciting or not? Please show them your individuality on your videos. Being yourself the same way you treat your friends, your family. Otherwise, the viewers will probably find a way to authenticate what you said. You will be very nervous in the first several times but that is normal. Just imagine that the camera as a friend, sister or your small children and breathe deeply, you will feel better.

Do not worry about the embarrassment. If you do not speak really fluently, or you speak about something not really funny, viewers sometimes can feel closer because people do not come to YouTube in order to find Hollywood stars. Do not imitate someone else’s style. Find something unique about yourself and show it.

2. Bringing something special to viewers

If you have ever watched the most favorite videos on YouTube, you will find that each of them has something interesting thing. Some have good music; others bring useful advice or moments of fun. What videos are you going to bring to your viewers?

What is your specialization? Your life is a good basis to get you started. Basing on what you have experienced, you can give advice such as “How to be good at playing guitar?”, “How to make up yourself?” or you can express an opinion such as “How do you think about social network?”… you also can bring laughter to everyone by telling jokes…Being sure that viewers know the reason why they should continuing watching your video after 5 to 10 first seconds and telling them what benefits they can get when you watch your video.

3. Creating a high quality video

This is YouTube, so that nobody looks forward to a perfect video. Even though, if there is a video made with poor lighting surrounding scenery or noisy sound, viewers will certainly switch to another video or get out immediately. Therefore, you should concern about the essential elements below:

Investing in a good HD camera

Investing in a good HD camera is very important, but choosing smartphones having really good quality camera on them can be a quite perfect alternative.

Getting good, high quality audio

This is as important as video. Imagining how your viewers can stand if they can not hear any thing or the audio is too bad? They will certainly click off you video. Therefore, let’s consider  investing in a good microphone. Removing noise, turning off the conditioner, making your dogs quiet, even turning off televisions in other room…because the noises can reduce video quality.

Choosing lighting 

This will improve your video quality.  Making sure your room (or wherever you’re filming) is full of lights. This will lighten the images and make everything look more colorful and more interesting. Experimenting with any lights in different positions, different angles in the room until you are satisfied. Making sure your face and all the advantages are obvious.

4. Speaking clearly and making eye contacts

Like you are in front of the viewers, you should speak clearly and make eye contacts with them. This can keep attention of viewers and make your video more attractive. Let’s look straight at camera and begin!

5. Editing the videos

You should download an editing program. This is what you are going to use to put all of your footages together and make it look and sound better. Using Moviemaker or other program to edit, help increasing the quality of videos and make it look more interesting. You should only retain the main ideas and cut down to about 4 to 5 minutes because any longer videos are really hard to draw viewers’ attention. You should remember these tips below when editing:

  • Using tools to brighten videos, never let your video be too gloomy and bleak
  • Editing the boring parts: pausing, stupid expression, coughs and sighs
  • Using the words and music to increase pleasantness
  • Your video will not be accomplished until you write an impressive title and description

Above are the pieces of advice that can help you making a quality video, which not only bring many benefits to online community, make your reputation is known more but also is a way to help you earning more money.